Create a new HalftoneElement.
The different constructors allow different ways of creating an
Some are used for wrapping existing Atoms or IndirectObjects and
others are for creating new ones.
The constructor taking a relation Element creates a
new object in the document - it is typically the constructor you
will want to use. Do not specify creation options unless you have
very specific needs.
However for your first Element - one you
can use as a relation for the others - you will need to wrap an
existing IndirectObject inside an Element. For this
you might use code of the following form "CatalogElement
root = new CatalogElement(doc.ObjectSoup.Catalog)".
The parameterless constructor allows you to create an empty
Element. By
empty we mean it has no contents - no Atom within it. So before use
an Atom must be Assigned or Created. In practice it is easiest to
do this using one of the other constructors.
The atom and host constructor is used to wrap an existing Atom.
It creates an Element and then
Assigns the Atom to it. The result is a specialized Element which can
be used to examine or modify the contents of the Atom.
The CreationOptions enumeration may take the following
- Default - Default creation options for this particular type of
- Indirect - Create Element containing
an IndirectObject.
- Direct - Create Element containing
an Atom.